
  • Computer Programs Programs
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 2. 23:54
    Computer programming

    Computer Programs Software Example

    Computer Programs in Seismology IntroductionWith the installation of a PDP 11/70 minicomputer in 1981for use in seismic network analysis, a persistent effort was madeto use that tool for research. Because of the uniqueness of a dedicated minicimputer for research at that timeas well as a desire to do something for the worldwide seismological community, a set of documented computer programs emerged. Theprograms developed actually reflect research interests of thedepartment as well as a desire to look at data in the manner of otherinvestigators.


    In doing so, the hope is that these tools will permitresearch to progress rapidly.This programming effort led to the development of COMPUTER PROGRAMS IN SEISMOLOGY which continues to be distributed.The package containsits own graphics package, and is relatively easy to install. Version 2.0 emphasized the development of algorithms.

    Version 3.0 (NEW) emphasizes ease of use. Version 3.30 is the latest release.Computer Programs in SeismologyThese programs focus on the understanding and interpretation of seismicwave propagation in the crust and upper mantle of the Earth. Syntheticseismograph code is provided for sources and receivers at arbitrarypositions in the plane layered media. Programs are provided fordetermination of crustal structure through the inversion ofsurface-wave dispersion and teleseismic P-wave receiver functions.Inversion of broadband recordings of regional earthquakes for sourcedepth, focal mechanism and seismic moment is also provided. Finally, anew tool, gsac, is provided topermit interactive and script based manipulation of seismic traces. Theentire package is well integrated in that the same Earth velocitymodel, waveform and graphics formats are used by all programs.

    Acomplete interactive graphics package is also provided.Since this package of programs continues to develop and berefined to keep current with increasing volumes of digitalmight wish to return to this page every few months. Current Version 3.30 is dated February 19, 2019 (NP330.Feb-19-2019.tgz ). Read this to determine of the programs will be of interest to you. View this todetermine if the package has what you desire.(Last changed February 15, 2019)A description ofmodifications and dates so that you can maintain a currentversion of the package. (Last changed January 1, 2018)Tutorials on the use of Computer Programs in Seismology withdata sets. (Last changed October 30, 2018)User questions and answers.CitationThe reference to this set of codes is as follows:Herrmann, R. (2013) Computer programs in seismology: An evolving tool for instruction and research, Seism.

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    84, 1081-1088, doi:10.17096PlatformsThe present code requires the use of the gcc/gfortran compilers that are available for all platforms. Interactive graphics requires X11 graphics.PC VersionsCurrently support for PC's running windows requires the CYGWINenvironment.The source codes and installationprocedure are the sameas for the UNIX/LINUX/OSX versions.UNIX/LINUX/OSXVersionsSource codes and install scripts are available. C and FORTRAN compilersare required - gcc and gfortran are available for free. Programs aredistributed as gzip'd tar files (.tgz).

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